Hepta Slab
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog


Hepta Slab Black
Hepta Slab Black 下载字体ttf 下载字体
Hepta Slab Bold
Hepta Slab Bold 下载字体ttf 下载字体
Hepta Slab Extra Bold
Hepta Slab Extra Bold 下载字体ttf 下载字体
Hepta Slab Extra Light
Hepta Slab Extra Light 下载字体ttf 下载字体
Hepta Slab Light
Hepta Slab Light 下载字体ttf 下载字体
Hepta Slab Medium
Hepta Slab Medium 下载字体ttf 下载字体
Hepta Slab
Hepta Slab 下载字体ttf 下载字体
Hepta Slab Semi Bold
Hepta Slab Semi Bold 下载字体ttf 下载字体
Hepta Slab Thin
Hepta Slab Thin 下载字体ttf 下载字体

Hepta Slab is a slab-serif revival based on specimens of antique genre types from Bruce and Co., primarily Antique 307. The family is a variable font which consists of 10 weights with the extremes intended for display use and the middle weights for setting text.

To contribute, see github.com/mjlagattuta/Hepta-Slab.