The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog


Atma Bold
Atma Bold Yazı tipini indirttf Yazı tipini indir
Atma Light
Atma Light Yazı tipini indirttf Yazı tipini indir
Atma Medium
Atma Medium Yazı tipini indirttf Yazı tipini indir
Atma Yazı tipini indirttf Yazı tipini indir
Atma Semi Bold
Atma Semi Bold Yazı tipini indirttf Yazı tipini indir
Atma Bold
Atma Bold Yazı tipini indirttf Yazı tipini indir
Atma Bold
Atma Bold Yazı tipini indirttf Yazı tipini indir

Atma is an original Bengali and Latin typeface family with a fun and informal feeling. The Bengali and Latin were developed in parallel as a studio collaboration by Jeremie Hornus, Gregori Vincens, Yoann Minet, and Roxane Gataud. 

The Atma project is led by Black Foundry, a type design foundry based in Paris, France. To contribute, see