Roboto Mono
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog


Roboto Mono Bold
Roboto Mono Bold Baixar fontettf Baixar fonte
Roboto Mono Bold Italic
Roboto Mono Bold Italic Baixar fontettf Baixar fonte
Roboto Mono Extra Light
Roboto Mono Extra Light Baixar fontettf Baixar fonte
Roboto Mono Extra Light Italic
Roboto Mono Extra Light Italic Baixar fontettf Baixar fonte
Roboto Mono Italic
Roboto Mono Italic Baixar fontettf Baixar fonte
Roboto Mono Light
Roboto Mono Light Baixar fontettf Baixar fonte
Roboto Mono Light Italic
Roboto Mono Light Italic Baixar fontettf Baixar fonte
Roboto Mono Medium
Roboto Mono Medium Baixar fontettf Baixar fonte
Roboto Mono Medium Italic
Roboto Mono Medium Italic Baixar fontettf Baixar fonte
Roboto Mono
Roboto Mono Baixar fontettf Baixar fonte
Roboto Mono Semi Bold
Roboto Mono Semi Bold Baixar fontettf Baixar fonte
Roboto Mono Semi Bold Italic
Roboto Mono Semi Bold Italic Baixar fontettf Baixar fonte
Roboto Mono Thin
Roboto Mono Thin Baixar fontettf Baixar fonte
Roboto Mono Thin Italic
Roboto Mono Thin Italic Baixar fontettf Baixar fonte

Roboto Mono is a monospaced addition to the Roboto type family. Like the other members of the Roboto family, the fonts are optimized for readability on screens across a wide variety of devices and reading environments. While the monospaced version is related to its variable width cousin, it doesn’t hesitate to change forms to better fit the constraints of a monospaced environment. For example, narrow glyphs like ‘I’, ‘l’ and ‘i’ have added serifs for more even texture while wider glyphs are adjusted for weight. Curved caps like ‘C’ and ‘O’ take on the straighter sides from Roboto Condensed.

Special consideration is given to glyphs important for reading and writing software source code. Letters with similar shapes are easy to tell apart. Digit ‘1’, lowercase ‘l’ and capital ‘I’ are easily differentiated as are zero and the letter ‘O’. Punctuation important for code has also been considered. For example, the curly braces ‘{ }’ have exaggerated points to clearly differentiate them from parenthesis ‘( )’ and braces ‘[ ]’. Periods and commas are also exaggerated to identify them more quickly. The scale and weight of symbols commonly used as operators have also been optimized.