The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog


Nobile Italic
Nobile Italic Baixar fontettf Baixar fonte
Nobile Medium
Nobile Medium Baixar fontettf Baixar fonte
Nobile Bold
Nobile Bold Baixar fontettf Baixar fonte
Nobile Bold Italic
Nobile Bold Italic Baixar fontettf Baixar fonte
Nobile Medium Italic
Nobile Medium Italic Baixar fontettf Baixar fonte
Nobile Baixar fontettf Baixar fonte
"Nobile" is designed to work with the technologies of digital screens and handheld devices without losing the distinctive look more usually found in fonts designed for printing. Going back to William Morris's baseline "Have nothing in your house that you do not know to be useful, or believe to be beautiful", the aim was to design a font that could function well, have good legibility on screen yet also be good looking, not only at larger display sizes but also right down to small text sizes.