Edu SA Beginner
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog

Czcionka Edu sa beginner

Przez Tina Anderson Wypisać Font


Edu SA Beginner Bold
Edu SA Beginner Bold Pobierz czcionkęttf Pobierz czcionkę
Edu SA Beginner Medium
Edu SA Beginner Medium Pobierz czcionkęttf Pobierz czcionkę
Edu SA Beginner
Edu SA Beginner Pobierz czcionkęttf Pobierz czcionkę
Edu SA Beginner Semi Bold
Edu SA Beginner Semi Bold Pobierz czcionkęttf Pobierz czcionkę

The Educational School Fonts collection is a set of handwriting fonts for teachers and pupils.

Each Australian state teaches different handwriting styles in lower primary school (although some states do share the same style), in line with Department of Education Australia standards. There are essentially three stages involved with each state's styles: 

  1. The foundational stage involves learning basic letter formation.
  2. The transitional stage adds joining ligatures to some letters.
  3. The cursive stage joins almost all letters (with some exceptions).

The SA School Fonts include: 

  • South Australia Beginner Alphabet - a simple sloped print for early primary school.
Students in South Australia learn the Beginners Alphabet from years 1 and 2, moving on to Pre-Cursive from year 3. 

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