The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog


Commissioner Black
Commissioner Black Pobierz czcionkęttf Pobierz czcionkę
Commissioner Bold
Commissioner Bold Pobierz czcionkęttf Pobierz czcionkę
Commissioner Extra Bold
Commissioner Extra Bold Pobierz czcionkęttf Pobierz czcionkę
Commissioner Extra Light
Commissioner Extra Light Pobierz czcionkęttf Pobierz czcionkę
Commissioner Light
Commissioner Light Pobierz czcionkęttf Pobierz czcionkę
Commissioner Medium
Commissioner Medium Pobierz czcionkęttf Pobierz czcionkę
Commissioner Pobierz czcionkęttf Pobierz czcionkę
Commissioner Semi Bold
Commissioner Semi Bold Pobierz czcionkęttf Pobierz czcionkę
Commissioner Thin
Commissioner Thin Pobierz czcionkęttf Pobierz czcionkę

Commissioner is a low-contrast humanist sans-serif with almost classical proportions, conceived as a variable family. The family consists of three “voices”. The default style is a grotesque with straight stems. As the flair axis grows the straight grotesque terminals develop a swelling and become almost glyphic serifs and the joints become more idiosyncratic. The volume axis transforms the glyphic serifs to wedge-like ones.

Each voice of Commissioner comes in a range of styles from Thin to Black including italics. The diverse proportions of lowercase and capitals add warmth and appeal to texts across sizes, while the different voices can express a variation in the typographic texture that ranges from delicate in text sizes to exuberant in larger sizes.

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