The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog


Cardo Bold
Cardo Bold Pobierz czcionkęttf Pobierz czcionkę
Cardo Italic
Cardo Italic Pobierz czcionkęttf Pobierz czcionkę
Cardo Pobierz czcionkęttf Pobierz czcionkę
Cardo is a large Unicode font specifically designed for the needs of classicists, Biblical scholars, medievalists, and linguists. It also works well for general typesetting in situations where a high-quality Old Style font is appropriate. Its large character set supports many modern languages as well as those needed by scholars. Cardo also contains features that are required for high-quality typography such as ligatures, text figures (also known as old style numerals), true small capitals and a variety of punctuation and space characters.