Nova flat
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog

Nova flat 폰트

에 의해 Wojciech Kalinowski 다운로드 Font


Nova flat
Nova flat 글꼴 다운로드ttf 글꼴 다운로드

I created the NovaCut font about 14-15 years ago for making inscriptions on stone. Initially the font contained only capitals and digits and existed only on paper and stone inscriptions. In 2010 I decided transfer this font to a computer, and made the missing lowercase and some basical signs; it was initially named Gothica.

By the way I made other versions of some letters. It was a lot of this at the end of my work. I decided create new fonts based on these letters. And finally I created six fonts family and named these fonts Nova (NovaCut, NovaFlat, NovaOval, NovaRound, NovaSlim, NovaSquare - by the shape of individual fonts). At last I created monospace font - NovaMono - the seventh part of this family.