Anonymous Pro
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog

Anonymous pro 폰트

에 의해 Mark Simonson 다운로드 Font


Anonymous Pro Bold
Anonymous Pro Bold 글꼴 다운로드ttf 글꼴 다운로드
Anonymous Pro Bold Italic
Anonymous Pro Bold Italic 글꼴 다운로드ttf 글꼴 다운로드
Anonymous Pro Italic
Anonymous Pro Italic 글꼴 다운로드ttf 글꼴 다운로드
Anonymous Pro
Anonymous Pro 글꼴 다운로드ttf 글꼴 다운로드

Anonymous Pro is a family of four fixed-width fonts designed especially with coding in mind. It is inspired by Anonymous 9, a freeware Macintosh bitmap font developed in the mid-'90s by Susan Lesch and David Lamkins, that was intended as a more legible alternative to Monaco, the fixed-width Macintosh system font.

Characters that could be mistaken for one another (O, 0, I, l, 1, etc.) have distinct shapes to make them easier to tell apart in the context of source code. The regular and bold styles have embedded bitmaps for the smallest sizes (10-13 ppem.)