Courier Prime
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog


Courier Prime Bold
Courier Prime Bold フォントをダウンロードttf フォントをダウンロード
Courier Prime
Courier Prime フォントをダウンロードttf フォントをダウンロード
Courier Prime Bold Italic
Courier Prime Bold Italic フォントをダウンロードttf フォントをダウンロード
Courier Prime Italic
Courier Prime Italic フォントをダウンロードttf フォントをダウンロード

Courier Prime is a new take on IBM's Courier which was designed in 1956 by Howard Kettler.

It's a monospaced family, designed specifically for screenplays. Overall the family is more refined than its predecessor. The serifs are crisper and less rounded. The counters are subtly wider. The bold weight is a bit darker and the italics are more cursive.

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