Kaisei Decol
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog

Carattere Kaisei decol

Da Font Kai Scaricare Font


Kaisei Decol
Kaisei Decol Scarica caratterettf Scarica carattere
Kaisei Decol Bold
Kaisei Decol Bold Scarica caratterettf Scarica carattere
Kaisei Decol Medium
Kaisei Decol Medium Scarica caratterettf Scarica carattere

Kaisei Decol is designed with the same element in Kanji, the little dot at the end of the stroke. When typesetted, because of this dot elements, it makes less stimulus to eyes and also gives a cute and fun impression. Best suited for a short sentence, preferably title. Good to use together with Kaisei Opti. 

To contribute to the project, visit https://github.com/FontKai-Kaisei/Kaisei