Bona Nova
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog

Carattere Bona nova

Da Capitalics Scaricare Font


Bona Nova Bold
Bona Nova Bold Scarica caratterettf Scarica carattere
Bona Nova Italic
Bona Nova Italic Scarica caratterettf Scarica carattere
Bona Nova
Bona Nova Scarica caratterettf Scarica carattere

Bona Nova is a digitisation of Bona, a cursive typeface designed in 1971 by Andrzej Heidrich — the creator of Polish banknotes. Besides giving it a digital form, this project was the opportunity to expand the character set, design the small caps, alternates and opentype functions for the typeface. Two new versions has been created together with the original author; a Regular and a Bold, to give the family a form of a classical triad.

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