The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog

Mengatur ulang

Raleway Black
Raleway Black Unduh jenis hurufttf Unduh jenis huruf
Raleway Black Italic
Raleway Black Italic Unduh jenis hurufttf Unduh jenis huruf
Raleway Bold
Raleway Bold Unduh jenis hurufttf Unduh jenis huruf
Raleway Bold Italic
Raleway Bold Italic Unduh jenis hurufttf Unduh jenis huruf
Raleway Extra Bold
Raleway Extra Bold Unduh jenis hurufttf Unduh jenis huruf
Raleway Extra Bold Italic
Raleway Extra Bold Italic Unduh jenis hurufttf Unduh jenis huruf
Raleway Extra Light
Raleway Extra Light Unduh jenis hurufttf Unduh jenis huruf
Raleway Extra Light Italic
Raleway Extra Light Italic Unduh jenis hurufttf Unduh jenis huruf
Raleway Italic
Raleway Italic Unduh jenis hurufttf Unduh jenis huruf
Raleway Light
Raleway Light Unduh jenis hurufttf Unduh jenis huruf
Raleway Light Italic
Raleway Light Italic Unduh jenis hurufttf Unduh jenis huruf
Raleway Medium
Raleway Medium Unduh jenis hurufttf Unduh jenis huruf
Raleway Medium Italic
Raleway Medium Italic Unduh jenis hurufttf Unduh jenis huruf
Raleway Unduh jenis hurufttf Unduh jenis huruf
Raleway Semi Bold
Raleway Semi Bold Unduh jenis hurufttf Unduh jenis huruf
Raleway Semi Bold Italic
Raleway Semi Bold Italic Unduh jenis hurufttf Unduh jenis huruf
Raleway Thin
Raleway Thin Unduh jenis hurufttf Unduh jenis huruf
Raleway Thin Italic
Raleway Thin Italic Unduh jenis hurufttf Unduh jenis huruf

Raleway is an elegant sans-serif typeface family. Initially designed by Matt McInerney as a single thin weight, it was expanded into a 9 weight family by Pablo Impallari and Rodrigo Fuenzalida in 2012 and iKerned by Igino Marini. A thorough review and italic was added in 2016.

It is a display face and the download features both old style and lining numerals, standard and discretionary ligatures, a pretty complete set of diacritics, as well as a stylistic alternate inspired by more geometric sans-serif typefaces than its neo-grotesque inspired default character set.

It also has a sister family, Raleway Dots.

More information can be found at theleagueofmoveabletype.com and impallari.com

To contribute to the project, visit github.com/impallari/Raleway

Updated: Feburary 2016, thoroughly updated the design with new spacing and kerning, raised f bar, added italics, new family naming metadata, and hinted with ttfautohint.