The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog

Mengatur ulang

Murecho Black
Murecho Black Unduh jenis hurufttf Unduh jenis huruf
Murecho Bold
Murecho Bold Unduh jenis hurufttf Unduh jenis huruf
Murecho Extra Bold
Murecho Extra Bold Unduh jenis hurufttf Unduh jenis huruf
Murecho Extra Light
Murecho Extra Light Unduh jenis hurufttf Unduh jenis huruf
Murecho Light
Murecho Light Unduh jenis hurufttf Unduh jenis huruf
Murecho Medium
Murecho Medium Unduh jenis hurufttf Unduh jenis huruf
Murecho Unduh jenis hurufttf Unduh jenis huruf
Murecho Semi Bold
Murecho Semi Bold Unduh jenis hurufttf Unduh jenis huruf
Murecho Thin
Murecho Thin Unduh jenis hurufttf Unduh jenis huruf

Murecho is a low-stroke contrast, flat terminal Gothic style (“sans serif”) Japanese typeface designed for text settings in Japan. It covers Hiragana, Katakana, and Kanji (JOYO+). It also supports Latin, Cyrillic, and Greek. Murecho is available in 9 practical weights and as a variable font. 

To contribute to Murecho, please visit the github page.