The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog

Mengatur ulang

Mada Bold
Mada Bold Unduh jenis hurufttf Unduh jenis huruf
Mada Extra Light
Mada Extra Light Unduh jenis hurufttf Unduh jenis huruf
Mada Light
Mada Light Unduh jenis hurufttf Unduh jenis huruf
Mada Unduh jenis hurufttf Unduh jenis huruf
Mada Semi Bold
Mada Semi Bold Unduh jenis hurufttf Unduh jenis huruf
Mada Black
Mada Black Unduh jenis hurufttf Unduh jenis huruf
Mada Medium
Mada Medium Unduh jenis hurufttf Unduh jenis huruf

Mada is a modernist, unmodulted Arabic typeface inspired by road signage seen around Cairo, Egypt, by Khaled Hosny. The Arabic component is characterized by low descenders, open contours, and low contrast forms, making it suitable for signage, small point sizes, and user interfaces. However Mada can work also as a display typeface, with a modernist and simplistic feeling. The Latin component is a slightly modified version of Source Sans Pro, led by Paul Hunt at Adobe Type. 

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