The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog

Mengatur ulang

Lateef Extra Bold
Lateef Extra Bold Unduh jenis hurufttf Unduh jenis huruf
Lateef Extra Light
Lateef Extra Light Unduh jenis hurufttf Unduh jenis huruf
Lateef Light
Lateef Light Unduh jenis hurufttf Unduh jenis huruf
Lateef Unduh jenis hurufttf Unduh jenis huruf
Lateef Semi Bold
Lateef Semi Bold Unduh jenis hurufttf Unduh jenis huruf
Lateef Bold
Lateef Bold Unduh jenis hurufttf Unduh jenis huruf
Lateef Medium
Lateef Medium Unduh jenis hurufttf Unduh jenis huruf

Lateef, an extended Arabic font, is named after Shah Abdul Lateef Bhitai, the famous Sindhi mystic and poet. It is intended to be an appropriate style for use in Sindhi and other languages of the South Asian region. 

The July 2022 update brings to the font six new styles: ExtraLight, Light, Medium, SemiBold, Bold, and ExtraBold.

This font was developed by SIL, and you can learn more about it at