Alegreya Sans SC
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog

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Alegreya Sans SC
Alegreya Sans SC Unduh jenis hurufttf Unduh jenis huruf
AlegreyaSansSC BlackItalic
AlegreyaSansSC BlackItalic Unduh jenis hurufttf Unduh jenis huruf
AlegreyaSansSC Bold
AlegreyaSansSC Bold Unduh jenis hurufttf Unduh jenis huruf
AlegreyaSansSC BoldItalic
AlegreyaSansSC BoldItalic Unduh jenis hurufttf Unduh jenis huruf
AlegreyaSansSC ExtraBoldItalic
AlegreyaSansSC ExtraBoldItalic Unduh jenis hurufttf Unduh jenis huruf
AlegreyaSansSC Medium
AlegreyaSansSC Medium Unduh jenis hurufttf Unduh jenis huruf
AlegreyaSansSC ThinItalic
AlegreyaSansSC ThinItalic Unduh jenis hurufttf Unduh jenis huruf
Alegreya Sans SC Extra Bold
Alegreya Sans SC Extra Bold Unduh jenis hurufttf Unduh jenis huruf
Alegreya Sans SC Italic
Alegreya Sans SC Italic Unduh jenis hurufttf Unduh jenis huruf
Alegreya Sans SC Light
Alegreya Sans SC Light Unduh jenis hurufttf Unduh jenis huruf
Alegreya Sans SC Light Italic
Alegreya Sans SC Light Italic Unduh jenis hurufttf Unduh jenis huruf
Alegreya Sans SC Medium Italic
Alegreya Sans SC Medium Italic Unduh jenis hurufttf Unduh jenis huruf
Alegreya Sans SC Regular
Alegreya Sans SC Regular Unduh jenis hurufttf Unduh jenis huruf
Alegreya Sans SC Thin
Alegreya Sans SC Thin Unduh jenis hurufttf Unduh jenis huruf

Alegreya Sans SC is a Small Caps companion family to Alegreya Sans, a humanist sans serif family with a calligraphic feeling that conveys a dynamic and varied rhythm. This gives a pleasant feeling to readers of long texts.

The Alegreya type system is a "super family", originally intended for literature, and includes sans and serifsister families. The family follows humanist proportions and principles, and achieves a ludic and harmonious paragraph through elements carefully designed in an atmosphere of diversity. The italics bring a strong emphasis to the roman styles.

Designed by Juan Pablo del Peral for Huerta Tipográfica.