The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog


Neuton Bold
Neuton Bold Télécharger la policettf Télécharger la police
Neuton Extra Bold
Neuton Extra Bold Télécharger la policettf Télécharger la police
Neuton Extra Light
Neuton Extra Light Télécharger la policettf Télécharger la police
Neuton Light
Neuton Light Télécharger la policettf Télécharger la police
Neuton Télécharger la policettf Télécharger la police
Neuton Italic
Neuton Italic Télécharger la policettf Télécharger la police

Neuton is a clean, dark, somewhat Dutch-inspired serif font which reminds you a little of Times. It has a large height, short extenders, and a compact width for better screen use, and economy of space.

The family will comprise a regular, italic, and cursive, each in five weights and with smallcaps. Two italics — one will be called "italic", and the other "cursive" — are uncommon, but very useful. Ever tried emphasizing something already emphasized? Beyond that obvious example, there are other uses.

Sometimes a text needs a different flavor or feel. While one roman can work for a variety of texts, the companion italics don't always. In more classical or personal documents, a stiff, sober, modern and down-to-earth italic will never work. And in many essays, some of the fancier italics look ridiculous. Who said a roman needs only one companion?