Kaisei Tokumin
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog


Kaisei Tokumin Bold
Kaisei Tokumin Bold Télécharger la policettf Télécharger la police
Kaisei Tokumin Medium
Kaisei Tokumin Medium Télécharger la policettf Télécharger la police
Kaisei Tokumin
Kaisei Tokumin Télécharger la policettf Télécharger la police
Kaisei Tokumin Extra Bold
Kaisei Tokumin Extra Bold Télécharger la policettf Télécharger la police

Kaisei Tokumin is a shorten word for Tokudai Mincho Kana, meaning "Extra Bold Serif Kana," intended for the strong title usage. Extra bold typefaces sometimes become unbalanced when having heavier density in the glyph, and loses the breathe of words. Kaisei Tokumin is designed to keep the legibility and still have power as an extra bold typeface. 

To contribute to the project, visit https://github.com/FontKai-Kaisei/Kaisei