The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog


Mulish Black
Mulish Black Descargar fuentettf Descargar fuente
Mulish Black Italic
Mulish Black Italic Descargar fuentettf Descargar fuente
Mulish Bold
Mulish Bold Descargar fuentettf Descargar fuente
Mulish Bold Italic
Mulish Bold Italic Descargar fuentettf Descargar fuente
Mulish Extra Bold
Mulish Extra Bold Descargar fuentettf Descargar fuente
Mulish Extra Bold Italic
Mulish Extra Bold Italic Descargar fuentettf Descargar fuente
Mulish Extra Light
Mulish Extra Light Descargar fuentettf Descargar fuente
Mulish Extra Light Italic
Mulish Extra Light Italic Descargar fuentettf Descargar fuente
Mulish Italic
Mulish Italic Descargar fuentettf Descargar fuente
Mulish Light
Mulish Light Descargar fuentettf Descargar fuente
Mulish Light Italic
Mulish Light Italic Descargar fuentettf Descargar fuente
Mulish Medium
Mulish Medium Descargar fuentettf Descargar fuente
Mulish Medium Italic
Mulish Medium Italic Descargar fuentettf Descargar fuente
Mulish Descargar fuentettf Descargar fuente
Mulish Semi Bold
Mulish Semi Bold Descargar fuentettf Descargar fuente
Mulish Semi Bold Italic
Mulish Semi Bold Italic Descargar fuentettf Descargar fuente

Mulish is a minimalist Sans Serif typeface, designed for both display and text typography. 

It was initially drawn in 2011 by Vernon Adams and then refined until 2014, adding more weights, support for more Latin languages, tightened the spacing and kerning and made many glyph refinements throughout the family – all based on hundreds of users' feedback. In 2017 the family was updated by Jacques Le Bailly to complete the work started by Vernon after he passed away, in collaboration with his wife Allison, an arist who holds the trademark on the typeface family name. In August 2019, it was updated with a Variable Font "Weight" axis. 

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