The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog


Merriweather Black
Merriweather Black Descargar fuentettf Descargar fuente
Merriweather Bold
Merriweather Bold Descargar fuentettf Descargar fuente
Merriweather Bold Italic
Merriweather Bold Italic Descargar fuentettf Descargar fuente
Merriweather Italic
Merriweather Italic Descargar fuentettf Descargar fuente
Merriweather Light Italic
Merriweather Light Italic Descargar fuentettf Descargar fuente
Merriweather Descargar fuentettf Descargar fuente
Merriweather Black Italic
Merriweather Black Italic Descargar fuentettf Descargar fuente
Merriweather Light
Merriweather Light Descargar fuentettf Descargar fuente

Merriweather was designed to be a text face that is pleasant to read on screens. It features a very large x height, slightly condensed letterforms, a mild diagonal stress, sturdy serifs and open forms. 

There is also Merriweather Sans, a sans-serif version which closely harmonizes with the weights and styles of this serif family. 

The Merriweather project is led by Sorkin Type, a type design foundry based in Western Massachaussets, USA. To contribute, see