The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog


BioRhyme Bold
BioRhyme Bold Descargar fuentettf Descargar fuente
BioRhyme ExtraBold
BioRhyme ExtraBold Descargar fuentettf Descargar fuente
BioRhyme ExtraLight
BioRhyme ExtraLight Descargar fuentettf Descargar fuente
BioRhyme Light
BioRhyme Light Descargar fuentettf Descargar fuente
BioRhyme Descargar fuentettf Descargar fuente

BioRhyme is a Latin typeface family comprised of two widths, a normal family and an expanded family. Each family has 5 weights, and both are intended for use in large and medium sizes.

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