Libre Bodoni
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog


Libre Bodoni Bold
Libre Bodoni Bold Schriftart herunterladenttf Schriftart herunterladen
Libre Bodoni Bold Italic
Libre Bodoni Bold Italic Schriftart herunterladenttf Schriftart herunterladen
Libre Bodoni Italic
Libre Bodoni Italic Schriftart herunterladenttf Schriftart herunterladen
Libre Bodoni Medium
Libre Bodoni Medium Schriftart herunterladenttf Schriftart herunterladen
Libre Bodoni Medium Italic
Libre Bodoni Medium Italic Schriftart herunterladenttf Schriftart herunterladen
Libre Bodoni
Libre Bodoni Schriftart herunterladenttf Schriftart herunterladen
Libre Bodoni Semi Bold
Libre Bodoni Semi Bold Schriftart herunterladenttf Schriftart herunterladen
Libre Bodoni Semi Bold Italic
Libre Bodoni Semi Bold Italic Schriftart herunterladenttf Schriftart herunterladen

The Libre Bodoni fonts are based on the 19th century Morris Fuller Benton's ATF design, but specifically adapted for today's web requirements. They are a perfect choice for everything related to elegance, style, luxury and fashion. Libre Bodoni currently features four styles: Regular, Italic, Bold and Bold Italic.

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