Averia Libre
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog


Averia Libre
Averia Libre Schriftart herunterladenttf Schriftart herunterladen
Averia Libre BoldItalic
Averia Libre BoldItalic Schriftart herunterladenttf Schriftart herunterladen
Averia Libre Italic
Averia Libre Italic Schriftart herunterladenttf Schriftart herunterladen
Averia Libre Light
Averia Libre Light Schriftart herunterladenttf Schriftart herunterladen
Averia Libre LightItalic
Averia Libre LightItalic Schriftart herunterladenttf Schriftart herunterladen
Averia Libre Regular
Averia Libre Regular Schriftart herunterladenttf Schriftart herunterladen

Avería means "breakdown" or "mechanical damage" in Spanish - and is related to the root of the English word "average." Averia Libre is based on the average of 725 fonts in the Google Fonts collection, and both glyph outlines and metrics are the result of the averaging process described at iotic.com/averia

Averia Libre exists in 6 styles, and there are also the Averia Serif LibreAveria Sans Libre and Averia Gruesa Libre families.